Channel: NBC Left Field
Category: News & Politics
Tags: politicscaravana de hondurasleft fieldmigrant caravanborder wallvideo journalistvideo productionel progresotrump wallnbc left fielddocumentaryvideo journalismnewsborderbest documentaryimmigrationtoday showmexican cartelnbc newsnbcjournalismworld newsmexicored crosscentral americacaravanhondurasmigrationicrchonduras caravanalos migrantes de hondurasmsnbc
Description: Hector Eduardo Montoya was 19 years old in 2013 when he fled to the United States to escape the violence in Honduras. He comes from a town called El Progreso, in a region of Honduras often referred to as one of the most dangerous places on Earth. Around the time that Hector left home, 20 people on average were killed each day in Honduras, a country of only 8 million. But the trip north can often prove dangerous. Many Central-American migrants cross borders in treacherous conditions, try to board fast-moving trains, and sometimes fall prey to abuse and kidnappings by Mexican cartels and other groups. If they manage to reach northern Mexico, crossing into the U.S. across long stretches of desert can be deadly, as migrants often run out of food and water. Since Hector’s disappearance, his mother, Corina, joined a support group of Honduran mothers in search of loved ones who also went missing on the migration path to the north. In El Progreso, we visit Corina, along with Hector’s father, Enrique, and his sister, Gabriela, to hear how just how devastating Hector’s disappearance has been on the Montoya family. * SUBSCRIBE to NBC LEFT FIELD: * Watch the latest from NBC LEFT FIELD: What is NBC LEFT FIELD? FOLLOW NBC LEFT FIELD: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: VISIT OUR SITE: Directed and filmed by Matthew Cassel Edited by Olivia Dehez Produced by Ariel Rubin Special thanks to Francisco Javier Pavon Molina Jesus Andres Serrano Redondo COFAMIPRO This video was made in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross. ICRC provided funding and support for the production of this video. NBC News retained editorial control. __ ABOUT NBC LEFT FIELD: NBC Left Field is a new internationally-minded video troupe that makes short, creative documentaries and features specially designed for social media and set-top boxes. Our small team of cinematographers, journalists, animators and social media gurus aims to unearth stories and breathe creative life into current headlines. While pushing boundaries at home and abroad, NBC Left Field will also be serving as an experimental hub for NBC News style, treatment and audience engagement. #NBCLeftField #TheMissing